Counselling is a process of discovery and recovery – learning to resolve the issues you are faced with, so that you can move towards your healing.

Your Introductory Video Goes Here

What happens in Counselling? - You Explain

Identify patterns and habits that are no longer serving you

Clarify issues, explore options, develop strategies

Work through trauma and abuse and loss of all kinds

Tell Your Story and Work towards your own goals

Receive respect, support and guidance

What People seek in Counselling?

To find help and understanding 

To clarify the situation and discover how you can help yourself with support

To understand how you got to this point and choose another road

To feel you are not alone but in a  loving community

To promote long term wellness and vigor that leads to personal happiness

“Be kind whenever possible - it is always possible”
(The Dalai Lama)


Confidentiality is an integral and crucial part of your relationship with your counsellor. Your privacy is very important to us, and your counsellor will talk to you about the ways in which we safeguard your privacy.